PropelCrypto (PCR)



As the third continent with the highest cryptocurrency adoption, Africa represents a unique opportunity for PCR to unite African entrepreneurs and drive project success. PCR is designed to attract African entrepreneurs seeking economic freedom, prosperity and opportunities to build wealth.

To achieve its goal of mass adoption in Africa, PCR aims to build a strong community around the token, through marketing campaigns and capitalizing on the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies on the continent.

In line with the promotion of entrepreneurship, PCR seeks to contribute to Africa’s development

by creating a

100% Free Business School for Entrepreneurship with Business Financing for all students at the end

of their degree. Therefore, PCR will also be a

crowdfunding tool for the Entrepreneurship Business School. Then, once

listed on different exchanges, as the value of the token increases, investors can use

their profits to reinvest in their own businesses and support family

and friends.

The platform aims to build a transparent and rewarding betting structure, ensuring fairness and inclusivity for all participating members. Detailed parameters and guidelines regarding staking, including exact rewards, lock-up periods, and governance rights related to staking, will be officially communicated after listing, thereby offering clear and comprehensive guidance for interested stakeholders.

This innovative staking feature not only incentivizes active participation but also aligns with PCR’s mission to create a dynamic and engaged community, fostering a sustainable and prosperous ecosystem for all participants, from entrepreneurs to investors. Staking rewards users for their commitment to network security and, in turn, strengthens the collective goal of advancing entrepreneurship in Africa and beyond.

PropelCrypto (PCR) is an ERC20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain

with a total supply of 1 trillion reduced to 1,000,000,000 after burning. The goal is to become a symbol of entrepreneurship in Africa, enabling them to sustain, own, trade for profit, and become an engine for financially empowering tuition-free business schools for 100% entrepreneurship.


Become part of the first token entrepreneur community in the world by being one of the pioneers who obtained PCR. This revolutionary token is designed to simplify investment in business projects not only in Africa but also around the world.

Vesting period:

Team and advisors: vesting for 3 years with a 1 year limit.

Sponsors and initial investors: vesting for 6 months

Token Utility:

Entrepreneur Token: PCR serves as an entrepreneur token in Africa. Entrepreneurs can hold PCR tokens, trade them for profits, and use them as a means to access the educational resources and support of the Free Business School for Entrepreneurship.

Investment Token: Investors can purchase PCR. Investors can stake their PCR tokens in exchange for return on investment (ROI) in USDT.

School Investment Fund: The board of directors of the School of Entrepreneurship will use investment funds generated from staking PCR tokens to invest in various business projects initiated by students. These investments aim to generate higher returns on investment, providing benefits to investors and the business community.

Token Release Schedule:

According to the initial token sale schedule — IDO with certain terms and conditions.

Staking Rewards: The staking rewards structure, including ROI percentage and lockout period, will be announced after listing.

Burn Mechanism:

A token burn mechanism will be implemented, where a portion of the tokens used for staking rewards will be periodically withdrawn from circulation. This will help control inflation and increase scarcity, thereby leading to an increase in token value. Announcements will be made according to schedule.

Ecosystem incentives:

Periodic incentives will be announced for entrepreneurs, students and investors to actively participate in the ecosystem. This may include awards, discounts or governance rights within the School of Entrepreneurship.

Security Measures:

Stringent security measures, including smart contract audits, bug bounties, and insurance, will be implemented periodically to protect token holders and the integrity of the platform.

PCR implementation road map

Phase 1

Token Launch and initial marketing (Q1 2023)

Release of PCR tokens on the Ethereum blockchain, with a total supply of 1 billion.

Conduct an initial marketing campaign to increase awareness of the PCR token among African entrepreneurs and investors.

Launch a PCR website and social media channels to provide information and updates regarding the project.

Level 2

Community building and token distribution (Q2 2023)

Build a strong community around the PCR token, using social media, online forums and other channels to connect with African entrepreneurs and investors.

Distribute PCR tokens to early users and backers, using various strategies such as airdrops, bounties, ICOs (initial coin offers), and referral programs.

Provide incentives for holding and using PCR tokens, such as staking rewards and transaction fee discounts.

Phase 3

Partnerships and ecosystem development (3rd and 4th quarter of 2023)

Building partnerships with African businesses, organizations and government agencies to promote the use of PCR tokens and build a strong ecosystem.

Develop various use cases and applications for PCR tokens, such as payment systems, remittances and microcredit.

Collaborate with developers and entrepreneurs to build decentralized applications (DApps) on top of PCR tokens.

Phase 4

Expansion and mass adoption (2024 onwards)

Expand the use of PCR tokens to other African countries, using a combination of online and offline marketing strategies.

Continue to build partnerships and grow the PCR ecosystem, with a focus on creating value for users and driving mass adoption.

Collaborate with other blockchain projects and organizations to promote the use of cryptocurrencies in Africa and support the growth of the broader blockchain ecosystem.

Launch of Free Business School for Entrepreneurship.

Technical Details

Nama: PropelCrypto

Simbol: PCR

Decimal: 18

Block: Ethereum (ERC20)

Smart Contract Address


Total Inventory (After Burn) PCR


Wallets must have Ethereum to pay transaction fees

Recommended Wallets

MetaMask, Trust Wallet, Coinbase Wallet


Although our good intention is to use PCR to promote entrepreneurship in Africa,

the token sale does not constitute an offering of securities or a promotion, invitation or solicitation

for investment purposes. Therefore, the deposit terms do not constitute

a financial services offering document or prospectus. Token offerings involve

the development and use of experimental software and technologies that

may not be realized or achieve the goals stated in the white paper. Purchasing

tokens represents a high risk for any investor. Tokens do not represent

equity, shares, shares, royalties or rights to capital, profits or income in the network or

software or in the organization issuing the token or any other company or

intellectual property associated with the network or other public or private company. ,

corporation, foundation or other legal entity in any jurisdiction. Be sure to read

our privacy policy.











Forum Username: Parbayev

Forum Profile Link:;u=3590547

BSC Wallet Address: 0xeeA03b384823209B299530Bf0703FB4c0Ea31285


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